Nationwide Screening Services (NSS), respects the importance of  confidentiality and the security of sensitive personal information  collected by NSS. NSS will not sell, trade or monetize any personal  or sensitive information for commercial purposes. While NSS  makes reasonable efforts to protect the information provided to us,  NSS cannot absolutely guarantee any information transmitted to us  will remain secure and is not responsible for any loss or theft. 

NSS is committed to complying with data privacy and protection  laws applicable to its’ business. 

NSS might have your personal information for more than one  reason: 

1. When we are conducting services for you or our client to  complete a background check, you are a job candidate 2. When you are accessing our publicly available website, you  are a website visitor 

3. When you can order our services as an individual or as part  of an organization, to get a background check about yourself  or someone else, you are a client 

4. When NSS thinks you might want to become a client, you  are a prospect 

5. If we ask you for information to help complete a background  check, you are a source 

6. If you work for NSS as an employee or you are applying to  do work for NSS, or you previously worked for us, you are  a worker

How NSS Collects Information 

NSS collects information directly from clients. We collect  information when information is input on a job candidate. 

NSS collects information from its clients’ candidates only to  perform background checks. 

NSS does not keep an ongoing file about you and provides that  file only to the client that ordered the background check. Instead,  NSS creates a new file each time one of our clients asks us to  complete services about you. Each file is only accessible to one  client. 

NSS or our client will inform you that your personal information is  needed to complete a background check. You will need to read  and sign a Disclosure and Authorization form to allow the  background check to be conducted.  

NSS does not track our employees’ activities when they are not in  our offices or connected to our computer system or look into their  activities outside of work. 

NSS diligently works to keep information secure by:  1. Encrypting personal information when it is in our system 

 2. NSS uses firewalls and other barriers to alert us for hackers, viruses and other threats 

 3.NSS does attempt to reduce the amount of information we  process and transfer  

4. NSS has minimal paper documents but does store them in  secure places 

5. NSS has a visitor security policy

6. NSS only works with vendors that have been vetted and  have been put through a credentialing process. 

Personally Identifying Information is kept only for as long as  necessary: 

1. If you are a candidate and we are conducting a background  check for one of our clients, we keep your personal  information until our client asks us to delete it 

2. There may be laws that requires us to keep information for a  minimum amount of time 

3. When you are a worker, NSS keeps your personal  information as long as you work for NSS, and for a certain  amount of time afterwards based on laws. 

Categories of Information NSS Collects for Business  Purposes 

NSS uses information collected for business purposes: 

• to respond to consumer requests including contact  information. If you contact NSS using the tools and  information on the NSS website, complete forms or submit  information through the NSS website, or communicate with  NSS by email, NSS will collect and retain such information  for as long as reasonably necessary to conduct business,  complete your request or as required by state and federal  law.

• for transactional purposes including contact and payment  information to process payments. 

• to communicate with potential employees to process  applications. NSS collects education, employment history  and any other information you share with NSS during the job  application process. A third party may collect and retain, for  a reasonable amount of time, background check results from  potential job applicants. 

• are used as permitted by law and retained for as long as  required by state and federal law. 

How NSS may Disclose Personal Information 

Your personally identifiable information may be disclosed to our  staff, vendors and other service providers during the background  screening process.  

If NSS finds that personally identifiable information has been  used or accessed inappropriately or unlawfully, NSS strives to  take reasonable steps to stop the misuse or access, educate the  user concerning the appropriate use of the information, and  prevent similar future misuses. Such steps may include measures  up to and including discontinuation of the user’s access to NSS  information products and services, pursuit of other legal  remedies, and the referral of misuse to the appropriate authorities 

Policy Regarding Minors 

The NSS website and our services are designed for adult  business professionals, not for children. If you are a child, please  do not use our websites or services.

We do not perform background checks on those who are under  18 years of age unless a parent or guardian has provided written  consent. 

Consumer Information Privacy Policy 

<CRA> is a consumer reporting agency. It is required by the Fair Credit Reporting Act,  15 U.S.C. §1681 et seq. (“FCRA”) to maintain the confidentiality of all consumer  information.  

<CRA> obtains information on an individual consumer only upon the request of a user  who has a permissible purpose under the FCRA to request information on that  consumer in order to provide consumer reports. The FCRA requires a user for  employment purposes to certify to us that it has a permissible purpose for the report  and has obtained the written consent of the consumer to request information before  we can supply the requested information.1 The user must submit to reasonable audits  by us to confirm that it is, in fact, obtaining such consents. All users must certify that  they have a permissible purpose to request a report such as credit, insurance, and  renting an apartment. Our customers agree to keep your information confidential and  secure.  

<CRA> does not maintain a database of consumer information.  

Personal Information Disclosure, United States or overseas. We do not send  consumer information outside of the United States or its territories for any purpose  other than to deliver a report to an end user. Of course, if information is sought  from outside of the United States, the information is gathered in that country and  then transmitted to us here in the United States where it is treated as any other  consumer information. 

Any information gathered on any consumer may only be provided to the user  authorized by the consumer or permitted by the FCRA or similar state law to receive the  information. We cannot and do not share, sell or distribute consumer information with  or to any third party other than the requesting party thereof. Any consumer, upon  proper identification, has the right under the FCRA to request us to furnish to the  consumer any and all information we may have on that consumer. The consumer has  the right to dispute the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in the  consumer’s file.  

1 There is an exception for employer investigations of suspected employee misconduct or for compliance with law  or employer policies, e.g., sexual harassment investigations.

However, we may be required, upon receipt of a court order to release the information  in civil litigation, or as otherwise required by law, to disclose information regarding a  consumer to law enforcement agencies. 

If you have any questions regarding our policy, you may contact us via our contact page:

Other privacy initiatives and procedures include, but are not limited to:  

● Access to confidential consumer information is limited within <CRA> to  those who have a need to know the information: obtaining and  transmitting information on the consumer or those dealing with a consumer  request for information or consumer disputes. 

● Access to <CRA’s>computer terminals, file cabinets, fax machines, trash  bins, desktops, etc. are secure from unauthorized access. 

● <CRA> maintains a secure network to safeguard consumer information  from internal and external threat. 

● Any backup data is maintained in an encrypted form.  

● <CRA> maintains records on each request for information and identifies  each user who requested information on a consumer. 

● Employees are prohibited from “browsing” files or databases without a  business justification. 

● Destruction of consumer information follows the Federal Trade  Commission’s requirements that the information be unreadable upon  disposal.